Thursday, April 12, 2012

Night 3 - juvenile jail

I was bringing Zach to "rehab" but it was more like jail. We all hid in the kitchen of the jail because we didn't want to leave zach. Then we couldn't leave so we tried to escape but never could get out. Thete were all these kids there with boils and diseases who were sweating and coughing all over everything.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Night 2- falling

Chasing, running, trying to get to a house that i could never get to.  Finally got on a bus that went up to the top of the Eiffel tower and dropped off the other side. Woke up screaming

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Night #1

<p>I had at least 4 dreams....none of them good. My mom was yelling at me and saying she hates me for not making good enough grades. In another one there was a huge dead deer next to my parents' house that they found while cutting the grass. I was afraid of something following me but never saw what it was.

That's my weird night in a nutshell.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Getting started

This is an experiment on how many dreams and/or nightmares i have every night and what they are about.